Sennheiser ConC 400 Hearing Aid
Sennheiser ConC 400 Hearing Aid
ConC 400 Hearing Aid, designed to provide you wi...
In stock
€ 699,-
€ 620,-
Bellman Maxi classic Personal Listening Aid
Bellman Maxi classic Personal Listening ...
Bellman Maxi is a revolutionary listening aid th...
In stock
€ 187,95
Crescendo-60 Hearing Amplifier
Crescendo-60 Hearing Amplifier
The Crescendo 60 Personal Communications Syste...
In stock
€ 145,95
Featured brands for Hearing aids - Better hearing in groups
Bellman Mino
Bellman Mino
Mino is our smallest and most versatile personal...
In stock
€ 319,-
Sennheiser TVS 200 - Wireless TV Sound System
Sennheiser TVS 200 - Wireless TV Sound S...
Experience crystal-clear sound with the Sennheis...
In stock
€ 469,99
€ 422,99
LoopHear 10 personal hearing aid
LoopHear 10 personal hearing aid
The LoopHear 10 is a personal hearing aid with e...
In stock
€ 84,25
Bellman Maxi classic Listening Aid incl. headphones, earplugs and TV kit BE8045
Bellman Maxi classic Listening Aid incl....
Bellman Maxi is a revolutionary listening aid th...
In stock
€ 257,95
Bellman headphones for Maxi, comfort duett BE9122
Bellman headphones for Maxi, comfort due...
High-quality headphones suitable for Bellman Max...
In stock
€ 23,95
HearLink transmitter Audio/TV
HearLink transmitter Audio/TV
HearLink Plus is a Bluetooth transmitter that co...
In stock
€ 69,90
Bellman Maxi classic Listening Aid incl. Induction loop and TV kit BE8046
Bellman Maxi classic Listening Aid incl....
Bellman Maxi is a revolutionary listening aid th...
In stock
€ 285,95
Earplugs for Comfort duett
Earplugs for Comfort duett
You can use these earplugs from Comfort Audio fo...
In stock
€ 34,95
TV kit for Bellman Maxi 5m BE9126
TV kit for Bellman Maxi 5m BE9126
TV kit for Bellman Maxi. With the cable and conn...
In stock
€ 38,95
Hearing aids are useful if you do not wear hearing aids but sometimes have trouble understanding people. Often, products like the Comfort Duett are also used in care where people cannot wear hearing aids because they are constantly in bed. While they do need to receive important information about their treatment. A hearing aid then offers a solution.
Hearing aids from Bellman, Humantechnik and Geemarc
A hearing aid is not a hearing aid but actually works the same way. However, a hearing aid is much more advanced than a hearing aid, but that does not necessarily mean that you cannot understand well with it. In fact, we often find that especially older people who cannot understand well with a very advanced hearing aid can do so with the much simpler hearing aid such as the Bellman Maxi hearing aid. The technology of the hearing aid then rises above the cognitive abilities of the brain, resulting in poorer speech understanding.
You can easily put these products in and out yourself and adjust the volume. Some people prefer to use a hearing aid. We ourselves have clients who use an earpiece and are fine with it.
A hearing aid is easy to use
Another advantage of hearing aids is that they are easy to operate. There are large robust buttons on them that are especially easy to operate for people with rheumatic complaints.
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